Uncharted 3: Looks awesome, allegedly plays awesome. Naughty Dog knows what they’re doing. But that’s no surprise, they’re Naughty Dog. The multiplayer looks tight, the graphics look crisp, and the acting is top notch. Looks like another GOTY contender.
Resistance 3: It’s even more gritty alien fun. Everything is nice and gray, and the guns appear to work nicely. Hopefully it will be a more rewarding experience then Resistance 2. There was some nice gameplay shown, the game seems solid. That being said, a lot of people felt burned after the second game, and it seemed pretty solid at E3 too. Just wait for this one to drop.
We’re also getting the HD remake of Ico and Colossus in September, which will be very nice. God of War was covered, as was some really unimpressive move stuff. The aforementioned 3D display was pretty cool, but there’s only one thing here that really mattered.
Playstation Vita.
It’s kind of a stupid name, but at a conference that contained something called “WiiU”, it’s pretty much okay. The hardware looks awesome. The potential of this new handheld is extremely high. However, so was the potential of the PSP, and it flopped like a coma patient on a rollercoaster. The Vita may be better though. The tech they showed was really nice. But ultimately it’s going to come down to third party development. Can Sony convince developers to come to the Vita? Probably. Will they make good games? I sure hope so.
Overall, I’d give Sony about a B. It was a good press conference, but not great. I’m excited, but not impressed. I’m still too cautious to give them a better score. But I’m optimistic for the future, as ill advised as that may be.