But coming down the road, NVIDIA hopes to change all that with their "Kal-El" processors. The company has aspirations to produce the world's first quad-core mobile processor to give mobile games a leg up in the mobile department. Hit the break for more details and some very impressive video demos.
(Posted by: Eric Rees) Mobile gaming has always had the handicap of having to try and live up to the graphical power of their bigger console brothers. Some games have tried and failed to get these good graphics, others have changed the rules to more stylized looks so all the processing power doesn't have to go to the graphics.
But coming down the road, NVIDIA hopes to change all that with their "Kal-El" processors. The company has aspirations to produce the world's first quad-core mobile processor to give mobile games a leg up in the mobile department. Hit the break for more details and some very impressive video demos.
(Posted by: Eric Rees) Sony is trying to crack this ever expanding mobile market that is quickly meshing into a gaming platform of it's own. They are bringing the Xperia Play to bare in this new market and with the phone launching on the 26 the details have been finalized and the hardware is ready. Let's walk through the details of this phone to see if it's worth buying. Let's start with the insides since that's where all the magic happens. The phone is sporting a 1GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon CPU and an Adreno 205 GPU. Neither of these chips by themselves is terrible but if you look at the summer line up that the Play has to stack against (Droid Bionic, LG Optimus 2X, Samsung Galaxy S II and HTC's EVO 3D) it seems this phone might have waited a bit too long, all of the aforementioned phones are sporting dual core processors of varying speeds. The phone has a 1500mAh battery packed in and is stuffed full of 512 MB of ram for your apps and games to access. Hit the break to read the rest of the run down. (Posted by: Eric Rees) Even though it may be hard for us console and PC gamers to believe, there is a huge following out there that thrive on mobile gaming. With the rise of Angry Birds and DoodleJump, people around the world have been introduced into mild gaming through the iPod/iPhone/iPad. Apple looks to up the ante with it's newest member of the family. Hit the break for all the goodies. (Posted By: Eric Rees) Alright kiddos, if the iPhone coming to Big Red wasn't enough to get you to jump on the bandwagon how does this one sound: the Playstation Phone may be coming to Verizon as well. Sold? I thought so. Now none of this is concrete as of yet but this screenshot came from Wirefly with a bit of interesting evidence to support the claim. This is the first that anyone has heard as far as carriers go for the Play but if it plays out like it did in the UK, every single carrier will get a shot to sell you this phone when it comes around to actually coming out. Interesting stuff if you ask me, we've got a more in-depth look at the play here in case you didn't catch it the other day. Everybody start saving up money for your new cellphone! (Posted by: Eric Rees) You guys want to see one of the slickest applications for android that have been released yet? AND it has to do with Playstation? Everyone wins. This official Playstation application has been released in the UK but not in the US, unfortunately for Playstation, the android following don't really do exclusive releases for long. Here sits the application that allows you to keep up on all things Playstation, including your friends on your PS3. The first tab labled, "My PSN" allows you to see your friends list on your PS3 and check their profiles. You can even compare your trophies with theirs in a nice little user interface that tells you how much more awesome you are then they. There is a "News & Blog" section that keeps you up to date on Playstation information and news that is updated almost daily. The next two tabs allow you to search almost any game or piece of media that Playstation has on their servers and allows you to play trailers, get information and just read about the game in general. It's impressive. The amount of polish that went into this app is surprising, a lot of high profile apps don't run as smoothly as this one does and I'm glad that Playstation got their game together and decided to put out a good product. Are we just gonna pretend this isn't a pretense to the Playstation Phone? (Posted by: Harrison Milfeld) Mac gaming may be the butt of a lot of jokes in the video game world, but with the Apple release of Steam, it seems to be picking up at a slow pace. Apple announced today that they would open the Mac App Store on January 6, 2011. This new application is similar to what is offered on the App Store for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. Aside from the usual games and personal applications, the service will offer apps based on education, entertainment, and productivity. Now, Mac users might ask why this is even a big concern, given the fact that Apple.com offers a section dedicated to various apps. Well, the idea behind the new Mac App Store is to open up development for small studios to work on Mac games. To break it down, cheap games will be able to be downloaded easily, and Mac developers (who will also get 70 percent of the profit) will be able to set their own prices. The enrollment fee for developers will start at $99 and hosting, marketing, or various credit card fees are not charged against them. That alone gives Mac developers a little bit of freedom to distribute games without a sudden bit of fear or uncertainty. As of now, there has been no word on whether or not how many games will be available at launch. For more information on the Mac App Store and if you want to develop titles for the program, click here. We'll have more about about Apple's new venture on the podcast next week and when the release date approaches. (Posted by: Eric Rees) Mr. Blurry Cam is a bit of a celebrity on the internet. If theres a rumored cell phone or new prototype of a technology out there, he usually sneaks over to Youtube to ruin all the fun. One man's ruin is another man's excitement though correct? Mr. Blurry Cam seems to have captured a video of someone with the rumored and not-yet-to-be-announced Playstation phone. Rumored to be under the Sony Ericsson name, the "Z1" or Zeus as it has been reported as is shown here in all it's Android goodness, with what looks to be at least a 4 inch screen. But upon closer inspection there is a little more reason to may-or-may-not be excited. The notification bar looks a little bit darker than the stock Android one, which is an indicator that it is running the new Android 2.3, or Gingerbread for those who haven't eaten recently. This may seem to be drawing a lot from a very blurry video, it's exciting nonetheless. We unfortunately do not get to see the anonymous person turn the phone sideways and show us the sexy control pad but all the front-facing buttons and the overall look of the device fit all the pictures that have been released for the device so far. Let's hope that this will be so good that it washes the terrible taste of the PSPgo from our mouths. (Posted By: Eric Rees) We were kicking around a few ideas on the Podcast last night, not that you would know; Alex "Soup Nazi" Deckard won't let you listen until tomorrow at some odd hour of the day. One of the things we discussed was the comparisons between Microsoft's Kinect and Sony's Move systems. I commented that Kinect has a lot more upside as far as the technology goes and that down the road some very interesting and fun things could surface. Readers, I present to you my evidence for my claim. Youtube user Yankeyan decided to celebrate 25 years of Mario by giving the double finger to Microsoft; first by hacking their brand new piece of hardware, then making it play a direct competitor's video game. I love it. He programmed the system to recognize his movements and ported them to the buttons of his NES emulator, not the easiest controls in the world as the video shows but it looks awesome right? Yankeyan gets the Gameshoe seal of approval for overall awesomeness in the area of "sticking it to the man." (Posted By: Eric Rees) In a case of "Oh Microsoft, what are you doing?" this story has leaked out onto the internet recently, showing how much money Microsoft is making off your hard earned money. That brand new shiney Kinect that you just paid $150 dollars for? Only cost Microsoft a mere $56 dollars to make said UBM TechInsights. The biggest chunk of said money is spent on the "reference system" that includes the processor, microphones and cameras that go into this technology. We here at Gameshoe appreciate making a profit, lord knows we don't do it here, but $100 dollar profit on each system sold? That's a little bit high if you ask us. Nevertheless, Microsoft plans on selling 5 million of these babies around Christmas time. Let's hope all that 'profit' goes into developing a badass next-gen console. (Posted By: Eric Rees) Yes you read that right, I'll give it a moment to sink in. Now that you have settled down here is the news; the iPad will be sold in Verizon stores by the end of this month. But, this announcement does not mean that this iPad is CDMA capable, which makes the announcement slightly less shiny and new. For those who aren't down on the new fangled cell phone lingo, CDMA is the network that Verizon runs their signals off of. The iPad as it is now runs off a GSM network that ATT uses. This is an announcement that you can pay for the iPad and then pay a monthly fee to run their at home network so you can use your new tablet. While not necessarily groundbreaking this does pave the way for the unicorn down the road, the Verizon iPhone. The rumblings seem to be getting stronger towards Big Red finally getting Apple's money printer sometime soon. |
September 2011