But coming down the road, NVIDIA hopes to change all that with their "Kal-El" processors. The company has aspirations to produce the world's first quad-core mobile processor to give mobile games a leg up in the mobile department. Hit the break for more details and some very impressive video demos.
(Posted by: Eric Rees) Mobile gaming has always had the handicap of having to try and live up to the graphical power of their bigger console brothers. Some games have tried and failed to get these good graphics, others have changed the rules to more stylized looks so all the processing power doesn't have to go to the graphics.
But coming down the road, NVIDIA hopes to change all that with their "Kal-El" processors. The company has aspirations to produce the world's first quad-core mobile processor to give mobile games a leg up in the mobile department. Hit the break for more details and some very impressive video demos.
(Posted by: Eric Rees) Even though it may be hard for us console and PC gamers to believe, there is a huge following out there that thrive on mobile gaming. With the rise of Angry Birds and DoodleJump, people around the world have been introduced into mild gaming through the iPod/iPhone/iPad. Apple looks to up the ante with it's newest member of the family. Hit the break for all the goodies. |
September 2011