(Posted by: Alex Deckard)

Here at Gameshoe, gaming is very close to our heart. This should be obvious, being that we are a gaming website, but nonetheless, we continue to say it. It is for this reason that we like to keep a close eye on the plight of gamers around the world. Often-times, this gargantuan gaze of gaming grandeur falls on our friends in Australia, land of the open Outback, a world where life can be rough and tumble, violent and dangerous, but video games can't. That's right, apparently it's not okay for any game to be released down under that doesn't meet the government standards for a 15+ rating. This means no mature games, and their ratings board is far stricter than the ESRB. However, the Australian government has decided to ask the public what they think about the possibility of an R-18+ rating for games in a nationwide poll. As you can see in the headline, the answer is an overwhelming "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, YES!" Hopefully this will sway the minds of Australian politicians. This will be something to watch.