Now that you've undoubtedly listened to our Net Neutrality podcast, it's time for the meat that goes with those potatoes! It's time, once more, for you to listen and be thrilled as the guys talk about F.E.A.R. You'll be amazed at their opinions on Team Fortress 2, and you'll be astonished when they talk about Far Cry. Plus, another special segment with the ever fantastic Harrison Milfeld! It's all that, and so much more on The Gameshoe Podcast!
(Posted by: Harrison Milfeld) Call it a slow news day, but the reveal of a game's box art has always been the subject of much excitement... In the case of Batman: Arkham City, its newly-revealed box art has me excited even more for the game. Also, props to the designers for putting blots of blood on Batman's glove to add to the overall dark grittiness to the package. Batman: Arkham City is currently scheduled for release on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Games for Windows on October 18 in North America, October 19 in Australasia, and October 21 in Europe. (Posted by: Harrison Milfeld) Earlier today, seven out of nine Supreme Court justices once again struck down a case regarding the sale of violent video games to minor. The case that originated in California has been the subject of discussion among legislators, critics, and gamers alike.
The court's majority opinion is as follows: "Like the protected books, plays, and movies that preceded them, video games communicate ideas-and even social messages-through many familiar literary devices (such as characters, dialogue, plot, and music) and through features distinctive to the medium (such as the player's interaction with the virtual world). That suffices to confer First Amendment protection. Under our Constitution, "esthetic and moral judgments about art and literature . . . are for the individual to make, not for the Government to decree, even with the mandate or approval of a majority." With this decision, it's all for certain that we'll be hearing more from the Entertainment Software Association in the next few hours about this news. Without a doubt though, video games and the first amendment have secured an important victory. This week, the guys try some new things. First off, they try prerecording Harry. They also bring some punk kid on the podcast. One of these things worked well, and the other one was Terrell's brother. There's talk of Duke Nukem, the WiiU, EA and Valve. Plus, all that other stuff you love. I am vengeance. I am the night. I AM THE GAMESHOE PODCAST. This week the guys are all back, and they're talking some more about E3. There's talk of Halo, Sony's Vita, the WiiU, and much much more. Plus, it's only about an hour, so you can totally listen to it! Isn't that great? You bet it is. Look out! It's The Gameshoe Podcast! (Posted by: Harrison Milfeld) Actor and comedian Robin Williams doesn't shy away from his own addiction to video games. Hell, the comedic veteran has gone as far to even name his own daughter Zelda.
The two are featured predominately in the above commercial where Robin spouts off about the character, only to have his daughter reassure him that he's confusing her. The ad is a really clever approach to show how much influence the The Legend of Zelda franchise possesses beyond the world of video games. Still, the real star of this ad belongs to Robin's epic beard. It's quite possible that thing got half his paycheck for this spot. (Posted by: Harrison Milfeld) This year marks the 25th anniversary of The Legend of Zelda. So, it was appropriate for Nintendo to begin their 2011 E3 press conference. A smart move by the company to ensure it did not get lost in the Wii U and 3DS discussion. Above is a trailer of Link's newest adventure on the Wii, which will revolve around the origin of the Master Sword (and Hyrule???). Embedded below are eight screenshots for you to drool over the game's unique art style.
(Posted by: Harrison Milfeld) Now that we've seen the controller and actual console, how much punch does the Wii U pack? Well, at this time we do not know much except the fact that it will support 1080p and 1080i resolutions, and will be powered by an IBM-based processor. Everything else about Wii U is still under wraps, such as whether or not it will support Blu-ray media or be backwards compatible with Gamecube discs.
Hit the jump to read the official details via Nintendo's website. (Posted by: Harrison Milfeld) Nintendo did not show off what the actual WiiU console would look like during the 2011 E3 Press conference. But, IGN was able to get an official glimpse of the console itself. At first glance, it has the look of the current slim Xbox 360.
To clear things up, the WiiU controller will technically not hold the system's processor. The controller is more of a dummy to help stream content, so we're left wondering what WiiU power is compared to the the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Thoughts? After weeks and weeks of speculation, Nintendo has finally revealed the name of their new console. Behold, WiiU! Yeah, the name is bound to be subjected to ridicule, but we finally know what to call Nintendo's newest console as we begin to decipher every bit of information. In addition, Nintendo showcased the controller to WiiU. The controller is indeed what earlier reports suggested: an ipad-esque controller with joysticks.
The WiiU controller includes a 6.2 inch touch screen, four triggers, a microphone, a gyroscope, inward facing camera, a home button, and an accelerometer. At first glance, the WiiU's controller gives off the impression of something that looks uncomfortable to hold. Like many, I was confused at first, but it does deserve more than a hint of optimism; Nintendo could be on to something with the endless possibilities of their new console. Yet, one thing needs to be addressed: online. HD is finally being embraced by Nintendo, but will they finally have an online interface akin to Live or PSN? It will be interesting to see what this offers, but until then, we'll have to wait until mid or late 2012 to get our hands on WiiU. |
April 2018