(Posted by: Harrison Milfeld)
Actor and comedian Robin Williams doesn't shy away from his own addiction to video games. Hell, the comedic veteran has gone as far to even name his own daughter Zelda.
The two are featured predominately in the above commercial where Robin spouts off about the character, only to have his daughter reassure him that he's confusing her. The ad is a really clever approach to show how much influence the The Legend of Zelda franchise possesses beyond the world of video games. Still, the real star of this ad belongs to Robin's epic beard. It's quite possible that thing got half his paycheck for this spot.
The two are featured predominately in the above commercial where Robin spouts off about the character, only to have his daughter reassure him that he's confusing her. The ad is a really clever approach to show how much influence the The Legend of Zelda franchise possesses beyond the world of video games. Still, the real star of this ad belongs to Robin's epic beard. It's quite possible that thing got half his paycheck for this spot.