(Posted by: Eric Rees)

First things first, Halo turns 10 this year so get ready for lots and lots of stuff to be happening in the universe of everyone's favorite space marine. This is just the first taste of what's to come this year.
April 14, Microsoft will start selling even more Halo inspired avatar gear and stuff in case you want to spend real money for non-real clothes. Halo helmets, shirts and probably even shoes for your blinged out avatar will be available soon enough. They are even putting out an avatar pet, of the Flood! An adorable little flood form will follow you around when people see you on their friends list, no news on if it will attack you and graphically turn you into a monster.
Hit the break to read the rest of the goods!
April 14, Microsoft will start selling even more Halo inspired avatar gear and stuff in case you want to spend real money for non-real clothes. Halo helmets, shirts and probably even shoes for your blinged out avatar will be available soon enough. They are even putting out an avatar pet, of the Flood! An adorable little flood form will follow you around when people see you on their friends list, no news on if it will attack you and graphically turn you into a monster.
Hit the break to read the rest of the goods!
Halo Waypoint is also getting an upgrade this Friday from the news that was released. Anyone who is anyone knows that Bungie.net is the place to go for looking through your medal chest and evaluating the size of your internet ego. Waypoint until now has been a place to unlock free stuff for Halo: Reach and a few funny videos here and there but this update is told to bring Waypoint close to the same level as Bungie.net. They're even adding a "Compare with Friends" mode that will spark even more pissing contests and anger.
April 23 will be the premiere of a new Motion Comic set in the Halo universe. Based off the success of the Halo Evolutions anthology that was released, this store follows the crew of UNSC Red Horse as they search a derelict prison ship the Mona Lisa. Apparently what awaits them is worse than the Covenant and death and fighting ensue. I'm a huge fan of the Halo Evolutions pieces and am really excited to see that they are expanding on this.
Finally Microsoft has promised something big this year at Pax East in August. PR from MS is saying "We'll just say this for now: if you're a fan of Halo, the Halo community, and celebrations in general, this is the year you attend Pax Prime... where you can help us celebrate 10 years of Halo in a very special way." Hmmm, I'm starting to think that Microsoft and 343 may be gearing up for announcing something big. If you don't know what I'm implying I'll spell it out for you; Halo: Combat Evolved remake for this generation.
Is that enough Halo for you? If the rumors are up to par you'll see some Master Chief in all of his updated armor and kick-ass glory. Stay tuned to Gameshoe and we'll keep you posted.