(Posted by: Alex Deckard)
Bethesda and Interplay are still embroiled in a lawsuit over the rights to a proposed Interplay Fallout MMO. Apparently, when Bethesda got the rights to Fallout in '07, Interplay was granted 2 years to begin full scale development on a Fallout MMO. One day before that window closed, Interplay announced that they had reached an agreement with Masthead Studios to make such a game. Bethesda decided that this didn't constitute full scale development, and told them to shut down the project. Then, everyone started suing eachother. Interplay wanted the rights to the Fallout MMO, and Bethesda wanted a court to tell Interplay that agreeing to work with a Bulgarian game company does not constitute full scale development. There was a rumor going around recently that the suits had been dropped, and it was even reported on such sites as IGN and Gamespot. But we here at Gameshoe didn't report it, because we were busy with other stories. Regardless, the suit is still on, and whoever wins, someone will be making Fallout games, and that's good for gamers.