(Posted by: Alex Deckard)
His name is "Pawnstick" and he has created a new Source mod. No, it's not a sandbox tool like Garry's Mod, nor is it a fan-expansion for Half-Life. It's a spree shooting simulator. That's right, in School Shooter: North American Tour 2012 you can go on tour through four different school shooting locations, participating in them. Does this sound disgusting and revolting to you? Probably, but Pawnstick doesn't care.
"One of our intents with the game is to make it it's own sort of exclusive experience: That any angst-ridden kid who has the idea in his head to shoot up his school, who ends up playing the game, finds it amusing enough of a substitute that it keeps them from doing it in real life."
Yeah. I'm sure that will work fine. We won't post a link to the mod, but you're welcome to look it up for yourself.
"One of our intents with the game is to make it it's own sort of exclusive experience: That any angst-ridden kid who has the idea in his head to shoot up his school, who ends up playing the game, finds it amusing enough of a substitute that it keeps them from doing it in real life."
Yeah. I'm sure that will work fine. We won't post a link to the mod, but you're welcome to look it up for yourself.