(Posted by: Harrison Milfeld)
The next entry in the cult-classic Golden Sun series, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn will be released on November 29 for the Nintendo DS. This news comes a few weeks after Nintendo showcased their upcoming release schedule, with Dark Dawn mysteriously absent. Rumors were rampant about the game's further delay into 2011 or less-than-likely cancellation. Rest assured, the series that started on the Game Boy Advance now has a solid release date for all of us to drool over as it approaches.
The game's story takes place 30 years after the events of the first two Golden Sun games, and follows a new groups of heroes who have to save the changed world. It will feature all of the conventions of the earlier games, with magical Djinns that can help you inside and outside of battle.
So, if any of you have a copy of Golden Sun or Golden Sun: The Lost Age for the GBA, please send copies to the Gameshoe staff. We misplaced our copies and we're just itching to replay some great RPG shenanigans from Camelot and Nintendo.