(Posted by: Harrison Milfeld)
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Well, I mean, Happy Birthday to Super Mario Bros. the game to be exact. Mario's first appearance in the video game world came in the form of Donkey Kong; however, he was called Jumpman at the time, so we'll let this little inaccuracy slide for now.
As for anyone who has picked up a video game controller knows that Super Mario Bros. changed the face of gaming in 1985. Its departure from the usual norms established by previous console makers such as Atari and Intellivision helped usher in a renaissance of sorts for future games. Ever since its release, the Mario franchise has gone on to sell more than 222 million copies. More kids during the late 1980s identified more with Mario than with Mickey Mouse, which isn't as shocking as it was years ago.
So, with the 25th anniversary of one of the NES' greatest titles, we'd like to ask, "What was your favorite Mario title and why?" There's plenty of good ones to choose from, folks.
As you think, take a look at what Complex.com did for the occasion. The author(s) of this entry surely have a lot of time on their hands to rate the 50 best Mario titles (yes, Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix included).
As for anyone who has picked up a video game controller knows that Super Mario Bros. changed the face of gaming in 1985. Its departure from the usual norms established by previous console makers such as Atari and Intellivision helped usher in a renaissance of sorts for future games. Ever since its release, the Mario franchise has gone on to sell more than 222 million copies. More kids during the late 1980s identified more with Mario than with Mickey Mouse, which isn't as shocking as it was years ago.
So, with the 25th anniversary of one of the NES' greatest titles, we'd like to ask, "What was your favorite Mario title and why?" There's plenty of good ones to choose from, folks.
As you think, take a look at what Complex.com did for the occasion. The author(s) of this entry surely have a lot of time on their hands to rate the 50 best Mario titles (yes, Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix included).