(Posted by: Alex Deckard)

RUMOR-MONGERING TIME! So get this: There have been rumors floating around that Google has been working on some sort of notebook sized touch screen computer that runs applications and has internet capabilities. Y'know, an iPad, except without that whole "closed off" thing that Apple's in to. That's right children, "The Big G" appeared to be working on an answer to the iPad. However, recently, The New York Times got rid of all these rumors...by turning them in to facts! Facts, while less fun then rumors, are far more reliable. Yes, it seems that Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt was gabbing about it at a private party recently. The only rumor that was really dispelled was that it would be running that hip new operating system, Chrome OS. Tragically, we have to keep waiting for that, as the "gPad" (my name, not theirs) will be running Android. They're currently doing testing on eBooks, magazines and "other media". It might even do super-advanced things, like "supporting flash" and "having a USB port". So stay tuned kids, this one could be fantastic.