The latest MGS follows the story of Raiden, who audiences first encountered as the protagonist in Metal Gear Solid: Sons of Liberty. “Rising” features “cyborg ninja Raiden” on his high frequency hack ‘n slash adventure cutting a swath through an endless amount of enemies, both human and robotic.
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This title will be depart from the “Tactical Espionage Action” style of game play that has been pioneered in the other MGS installments by Hideo Kojima, the creator of the MGS franchise. “Rising” features what the new writers are calling “Lightning-Bolt Action” and will no longer feature Kojima as a designer, as he has taken on the role of executive producer, working alongside Matsuyama.
“Rising” is set for a 2012 release date, so fans eager to attempt a kill-less campaign have a few years to speculate on the less-than-deadly tactics before getting their chance to wield the high frequency blade. Matsuyama insists that he will not be glorifying the kills in “Rising,” and will most likely make it harder for players to complete the game if they choose to simply hack through their human enemies.
Not ending the life of a single human enemy may be a challenge in itself, but the hardest part of “Rising” will be maintaining enough patience to wait out the two years for the release date. Fans are hoping that the wait for the launch moves as quickly as Raiden’s high frequency blade; at that point however, they may be too eager to not simply kill everyone anyway.