(Posted by: Harrison)

Famed game designer and creator of all-things Mario and Zelda, Shigeru Miyamoto, offered a brief Pikmin update today in London. Miyamoto, who was receiving his BAFTA fellowship award, mentioned that the third game in the series, which originated on the Gamecube, is "well under way." Albeit, this was a mere tease, Miyamoto states he wasn't bluffing.
This comes as no surprise, as Nintendo has hinted that a third Pikmin title was very likely for release on the Wii. Year after year, fans are disappointed of Pikmin 3's absence at E3's of the past, but maybe this June we'll have concrete evidence of its existence. Hopefully, the world of gaming will be able to embrace Captain Olimar and friends this coming year.
This comes as no surprise, as Nintendo has hinted that a third Pikmin title was very likely for release on the Wii. Year after year, fans are disappointed of Pikmin 3's absence at E3's of the past, but maybe this June we'll have concrete evidence of its existence. Hopefully, the world of gaming will be able to embrace Captain Olimar and friends this coming year.