(Posted by: Alex)

The N64 classic Rayman 2 is being ported to the iPhone and iTouch by developer Gameloft, and is set to be released on March 1st. It looks like good old Rayman is getting a leg up on the competition and strongarming his way back in to the mainstream. Didn't get that corny joke? It's because you haven't played Rayman. Seriously, go do it right now. We'll wait.
Done? Now, wasn't that awesome? See, the joke was funny because he has no arms or legs. Though I suppose you could have just looked at the picture.
Anyway, the only major concern about the game is the absence of traditional buttons. If you listened to our most recent podcast (and I know you did), then you already know my feelings on touchscreen buttons. And these concerns are just multiplied in an extreme platformer like Rayman 2. But this is Gameloft we're talking about. Surely they'll make it work. I'm just glad someone's releasing this classic game to the public, so others can discover how great it is. Again, look for it on March 1st.
Done? Now, wasn't that awesome? See, the joke was funny because he has no arms or legs. Though I suppose you could have just looked at the picture.
Anyway, the only major concern about the game is the absence of traditional buttons. If you listened to our most recent podcast (and I know you did), then you already know my feelings on touchscreen buttons. And these concerns are just multiplied in an extreme platformer like Rayman 2. But this is Gameloft we're talking about. Surely they'll make it work. I'm just glad someone's releasing this classic game to the public, so others can discover how great it is. Again, look for it on March 1st.