(Posted by: Alex)
The game everyone in the amateur sledding community has been waiting for, Sled Shred, has arrived today by way of SouthPeak Games. Firstly, the wildly popular, internationally renowned Gameshoe Podcast made an error when discussing this game. Due to a lack of knowledge about the game, we assumed that it was a snowmobiling game, as "sled" is slang for snowmobile. This turned out to be false. The game is actually what it sounds like, a downhill sledding game. While this may not sound awesome, the game features the Jamaican Bobsled team (who are sadly absent from the Olympics this year) as trainers for the player. And if that doesn't get you excited, then maybe the use of the balance board as a steering method will. Look for Sled Shred on the Wii, if you're in to that sort of thing.