(Posted by: Kyle)
Square-Enix-owned developer IO interactive recently confirmed layoffs of a number of employees at the Denmark studio. You might remember IO from such titles as Hitman and Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days.
"We are sorry to have to say goodbye to employees, but it is a natural process when working in a project organization," said general manager Niels Jorgensen
Last week's layoffs aren't expected to affect long-term plans for the studio or for it's parent company, Square-Enix, who acquired the studio after IO's previous owner, Eidos Interactive, was sold.
There are no specifics available about the number of people let go, but Square-Enix issued IGN this statement: Every studio has to take decisions to ensure it is operating effectively as projects start up and ramp down. IO Interactive has assessed the internal and external resources needed to support its pipeline and this has led to organizational changes which will include the loss of some roles at the studio.
We believe that this decision will make IO continue to deliver great games and add momentum to our operations. We would like to thank all employees affected for their contribution and efforts and wish them well in their future careers.