(Posted by: Tyler Piantanida)

The US Military has put a stop to all advertising and soliciting of Medal of Honor at Gamestop locations on Military bases due to the inclusion of playable Taliban forces. Confused patrons who called their local Gamestop locations were told this was “out of respect for our past and present men and women in Uniform”. This was a part of a letter sent to all Gamestops near any Military bases. The Agency responsible for this ban is known as the AAFES which controls all retailers within base locations. Gamestop has noted that they “fully support the AAFES in this endeavor and is sensitive to the fact that in Multiplayer mode one side will assume the role of Taliban forces.” EA has offered no further response to the matter, however stating they’ve already made a comment on their overall attitude to such a situation. Medal of Honor is published by EA and developed by Danger Close and DICE, both who are owned by EA.